Reconciliation and Conflict transformation activity is a five-year program that will cover the seven municipalities of the region of Mitrovica – Mitrovicë e Jugut/Južna Mitrovica, Severna Mitrovica/Mitrovices se Veriut, Vushtrri/Vučitrn, Skenderaj /Srbica, Zvečan/Zveçan, Zubin Potok, and Leposavić/Leposaviq.
The vision of RCT (Reconciliation and Conflict Transformation), shared by most Kosovo citizens, is for Kosovo to become a society where there is proactive cooperation, peaceful co-existence of various groups, and full application of democratic values for all citizens.
RCT implementing partners gather and regularly consult a group of local civil society members and community representatives who share a common vision of cohabitation and reconciliation from the municipalities in the region on community events that are organized as part of RCT, such as the coffee shop festival and marking of the Earth Day
We believe in local ownership and RCT implementing partners ensure the principle is respected by educating and supporting a group of 25 youngsters from the region of Mitrovica to use narration, graphic design, film, or any other artistic form of storytelling to paint their vision of respectful interaction and reconciliation.
RCT team identified, met with and described all policy actors on the local and national level who deal with reconciliation and conflict transformation processes. The assessment report sets the basis for the development of a reconciliation-centered think tank and the findings will be regularly updated by the researchers and members of the think tank.
The RCT team meets with public and private sector stakeholders who might be willing to help promote and support youth and women who work on small-scale community projects.
Media influence societal trends and we want reconciliation to be in the spotlight. Therefore, RCT seeks to find a meaningful place for the media to amplify our efforts to promote mutual understanding, acceptance, and appreciation.
RCT facilitates the establishment of a think tank, the first such organization in the region of Mitrovica. Its establishment will be grounded in a feasibility document that will lay out the plan for its sustainability and the profile of its members.