Grant Scheme – Call for proposals

Grant Scheme – Call for proposals

The RCT Activity is opening a small-grant call for individuals, non-formal and grassroots organizations to address the needs related to trust-building, reconciliation and conflict transformation among ethnic groups in Kosovo.

Maximum grant amount: $ 4.000

Number of grants that will be supported: 2 (two)

The deadline for applications is 28.10.2022, 16:00h

Where to apply: email at with mail subject: RCT Grant Scheme: Name of the applicant

Below find guidelines on how to apply.

In the links below please find the following documents:

  1. Application Form: Click Here
  2. Budget Form: Click Here
  3. Frequently Asked Questions: Click Here



This small-scale grant scheme aims to offer community support for problem-solving ideas on the topic of reconciliation, conflict transformation, and peacebuilding. The small-scale grant scheme will be implemented in the Mitrovicë/Mitrovica region for individuals and grassroots organizations addressing the needs related to the trust-building among different ethnic groups in Kosovo.

    Two types of applicants will be eligible to apply for this call:
    ● The lead applicant, i.e. the entity submitting the application form
    ● and co-applicant(s).

2.1 Eligible applicants: 

● Legally registered in Kosovo for a minimum period of 12 months prior to the deadline for submission of proposal.
● Based in northern Kosovo – Mitrovica/Mitrovice (north and south) Zvečan/Zveqan, Leposavić/Leposaviq, Zubin Potok, Vučitrn/Vushtrri, Srbica/Skenderaj.
● Directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project with the coapplicant(s), not acting as an intermediary.

● Be part of the Cohesion Circle from Mitrovica region (an informal group of citizens and civil activists- part of the RCT Activity).
● Must apply in cooperation with grassroot/NGO and promotes inter-ethnic social cohesion, by integrating cross-community contact and confidence-building into aims and activities.

Note that applicants:
● May not submit more than one application under this call
● May not be awarded more than one grant under this call
● May not be a co-applicant in another application under this call.

Project proposals that include the following will NOT be accepted:
● Proposals that DO NOT in any way contribute to the achievement of the objective of this call

(Please, the applicant must ensure that the component of reconciliation, conflict transformation and peacebuilding is central to the proposed project)
● Actions related to political parties and/or political campaigns
● Actions that are mainly related to individual sponsorships for participation in workshops,
seminars, conferences, and congresses.

  • Actions that have no foreseeable significant adverse effect on the environment, other words actions aimed at changing the climate or agriculture, such as: changes in precipitation, temperature, soil conservation, the length of the growing season for certain products, etc.



Please follow all instructions below carefully. Proposals that do not meet the requirements of this announcement or fail to comply with the stated requirements will be ineligible:
● Proposals should be submitted with forms available and provided with this call; narrative and
● All applications must be written in English
● All pages should be consecutively numbered
● Any annexes should be clearly marked and referenced in the body of the application
● All budgets are in U.S. dollars.
● Valid organizational registration, as a legal entity in Kosovo, with the Department of Registration and Liaison of NGOs within the Kosovo Ministry of Public Administration
● Unique entity identifier from Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS number) is not required
● An MoU between applicants and co-applicants clearly stating the leader applicant and the coapplicant (s).
● Tax administration certificate on entity obligations
● 2021 official tax declaration or audit report, if available.



Narrative form should not exceed 6 pages; The proposal should contain sufficient information for an independent reader to understand exactly what the applicant wants to achieve.

4.1. Budget Proposal

Budget Justification: Applicants must present budgets that are directly and exclusively related to the successful implementation of the proposed activities. Therefore, all prices/costs should be realistic and should be in line with market prices for proposed actions and staff payments. It is imperative that the budget be distributed logically and is approved by the two or more parties applying to this call. Below, you can find the list of expenses that are included/ accepted and those that are not included/accepted. Community Building Mitrovica (CBM) has the right to request modifications/budget (budget plan/budget form) changes if the need arises.

4.2 Covered costs
All costs must be clearly stated in the initial form of the budget and must occur during the
implementation phase of the project activities:

  • Expenses for staff members; including payments for experts, and individuals directly
    involved in the implementation of the activity
    ● Compensation for travel and food for those involved in the project, and for the purpose
    of implementing activities as provided in the application
    ● Expenses for the purchase of supplies related to the proposed activities
    ● Prices of bank fees related to the activities listed in the application
    ● Expenses that come directly from the requirements of the Contract (dissemination of
    information, specific evaluation for the Activity, accounting, auditing, translation)
    ● Office operating expenses such as rent, utilities, telecommunication, maintenance,
    stationery, hygienic products, office equipment repair, and cleaning.

Costs that will not be covered:
● Debt and debt services (interest)
● Expenses that occur before the implementation phase of this grant, and/or after the end
of its duration
● Provisions for future losses or potential liabilities
● Expenses declared by the beneficiary (s) and financed by other grants
● Purchases of land or objects


    Applicants must be prepared to publicize the fact that they are financed within the framework of the Reconciliation and Conflict Transformation Activity. Applicants must be prepared to acknowledge specific donors’ visibility guidelines and regulations.


    All applications will be analyzed through the evaluation grid with the criteria below:


Section Maximum Score
1. Financial and operational capacity 15 points
1.1. Do the applicants have sufficient experience of project management? 5 points
1.2. Do the applicants have sufficient technical expertise (especially knowledge of the issues to be addressed)? 5 points
1.3. Do the applicants have sufficient management capacity (including staff, equipment and ability to handle the budget for the action)? 5 points
2. Relevance of the project 30 points
2.1 Does the project described in the proposal meet the minimum criteria and is in line with RCT Acivity:

*  It contributes to achievement of the RCT Activity goal: address present reconciliation needs between different ethnic groups in Kosovo on individual, community or institutional level;

*  The activities will be undertaken within Mitrovica Region

15 points
2.2 Does the project described in the proposal contribute to achievement of renewing trust among different ethnic groups

*  Tackle the issues relevant to community needs

*  Propose innovative approach/ideas

*  Attract, advance and advocate for creative joint activity initiatives which aims to improve well-being for Kosovo citizens

15 points
3. Effectiveness and feasibility of the project 20 points
3.1. Are the activities proposed appropriate, practical, and consistent with the objectives and expected results? 20 points
4. Sustainability of the project 20 points
4.1. Is the project likely to have broader or longer-term effects in the community? 10 points
4.2. Are the expected results of the proposed action sustainable, including:

*  Financial sustainability (if any) (how will the activities be financed after the funding ends?)

*  Institutional sustainability (if any) (will structures allowing the activities to continue be in place at the end of the project? Will there be local ownership of the results of the project?)

10 points
5. Budget and cost-effectiveness of the project 15 points
5.1. Are the activities appropriately reflected in the budget? 5 points
5.2. Is the ratio between the estimated costs and the expected results satisfactory? 10 points
Maximum total score 100 points


Transforming the lives in our community