There are numerous activities and initiatives different local and international organizations, and individuals have to bring the Kosovo society closer to reconciliation. But peacebuilding requires ongoing efforts, and one more activity in that respect is never too much.
This Friday of 10th December, the RCT team marked Human Rights Day by painting a mural on the north side of the main bridge in Mitrovica. This activity brought together artists from different ethnic communities who designed and painted a mural that messages the necessity of interethnic cooperation and harmony in Kosovo.
Gathered together on such a momentous occasion, they serve as a perfect example of what can be achieved if people from different ethnic communities are ready to cooperate and create together. Activities such as this help mend ties and foster reconciliation and peacebuilding processes in a divided city.
The mural co-designed and painted by Stefan, Milan, and Gentian is a symbolic bridge between communities in Kosovo – one built from cooperation, creativity, arts, positive messages, and shared values and beliefs in trust-building efforts.
The RCT will also organize a storytelling event with the artist as a following up activity. We will help them transform their visual message on human rights day into a spoken story about their future actions and work on Kosovo’s reconciliation and peacebuilding process.
This event was a part of the Reconciliation & Conflict Transformation Activity, implemented by Community Building Mitrovica and partners from New Social Initiative and Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo, and supported by the American people through USAID Kosovo.